Saturday, 9 January 2016

When negatives become positive.

Most people will have heard that York have been flooded recently . It has had a large impact on businesses across the city. After many positive things that are been said, it is still in the back of people's ...there is a flood which is the negative.
 I came back on the train yesterday from Leeds to Thirsk having being at a Welcome to Yorkshire PSGM board meeting chaired by Sir Thomas Ingleby. I thought it is no good trying to make people  forget about the floods,  turn the negative into a positive. Looking out of the train window I was surprised at how many "water" birds had already taken advantage of the flooded fields .Trees and strips of land  have been marooned by the water. There were even a pair of swans gliding about on the water.  So instead of staying away from York,please
go and take a look for yourselves. Maybe you should take waterproof footwear but most people would wear them in any case in the winter time . Please help York to turn the negative into a positive. York is open for business.

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